How to Keep Yourself and Others Safe From COVID-19

Times like these require us to think beyond ourselves. The COVID-19 crisis requires us all to act in a way that keeps us and those around us safe. It’s surprising how a global pandemic has led to us understanding that the true essence of staying safe is to prioritize everyone else’s safety too. The best PPE Kit manufacturer company in UK Here are a few ways you can act for the greater good and collectively slow the spread of the virus: ALWAYS WEAR A MASK Wearing a mask is not only for your own safety, but for others’ as well. You don’t just have to wear the mask when you’re near someone who is visibly sick either. In fact, according to news reports, around 50% of coronavirus patients don’t even know they are infected. There is also a group of asymptomatic patients that are known to be silent carriers. In short, you never know who is infected and who isn’t. Therefore, your best defense is to not leave the house without a face mask on. This will also keep others s...